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2024-12-13 04:51:59

2. Let's take a look at the market data. The number of households in the two cities has risen by more than 2,200, and the number of households has fallen by more than 2,700. The market has shrunk by about 100 billion compared with yesterday. Although it has not shrunk much from the data, the number of declines is not a general decline, but the rice shortage effect is comparable to a bear market. Therefore, everyone must grasp the rhythm and control the positions. Now the market mood is very poor.3. In terms of the track plate, there is a nuclear button in the high standard of the robot plate today, with the back row smashing. After several days of disagreement, the consumer plate came out to perform again today, and the current trend is not very smooth, so let's continue to focus on the front row and play the light warehouse game. The AI plate is not strong or weak today, so we can continue to focus on it. Finally, it is the brokerage plate that I have been talking about, and there is still a chance in this direction.A shares: get ready, don't panic, everyone. The market will go like this in the afternoon!

1. Let's cut to the chase. Today, the market continues to shrink and fluctuate. Although the index has not fallen, the market on the market is very poor, especially the high bid, which is simply a graveyard for short-term funds. We should try our best to stay away from the high bid. It is easy to make people schizophrenic, but there is still no systemic risk in the market at present. We will continue to focus on low-sucking ambush and patiently wait for the rotation to rise to deal with this image.

1. Let's cut to the chase. Today, the market continues to shrink and fluctuate. Although the index has not fallen, the market on the market is very poor, especially the high bid, which is simply a graveyard for short-term funds. We should try our best to stay away from the high bid. It is easy to make people schizophrenic, but there is still no systemic risk in the market at present. We will continue to focus on low-sucking ambush and patiently wait for the rotation to rise to deal with this image.

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